Study Tips

I'd like to express huge thanks to Neil Richie for this section. Neil's the first person to provide some additional material for the site.

If you have any hints or tips you'd like to share, please contact me and I'll add them with pleasure.

Top 10 Hints & Tips

Professional Certificate in Management (but much of this advice also applies to the Diploma)

1.      Always try to keep ahead of the expected schedule.

Work or family needs can easily upset the calendar. This is especially important during any collaborative work where you are not fully in control of everything that's needed and very much reliant on others.

 2.       Refer to ALL Documentation.

As well as the study guides use supplementary documentation. The Managers Handbook is an excellent reference and contains different explanations of course subjects adding to the understanding.  The study guide has some particularly useful information for TMA's and may cover what percentages of subjects are in the exams.

 3.      Application is key.

As well as demonstrating your reading of the material, TMAs and Exams will look for application. Try to relate every subject when studying to to a real life example whether it's in your or other organisations. It will help application in the exams.

 4. Turn your Study books into Reference Books!

It is unlikely that you will get chance to fully re-read all the books as preparation for TMAs or Exams. Highlight important text and make pencil notes in the columns. This means you can easily identify important elements later and quickly reference specifics.

 5.  Re-read TMAs & Try out Sample Exams

Re-read a day or so after writing a TMA. Style, Grammar and spelling can go out the window when your head is close to the detail, especially with a limited word count. Re-reading may highlight blatant problems. The Sample exams get you used to the format and how to concisely write up understanding of subjects.

 6. Tutorials are Very Useful

Your tutor group and the tutorials are useful. Some good information is given and it makes you feel you are not alone. If nothing else the interaction helps the learning process. Be supportive of each other in your tutor group (especially of the Tutor!!!).

 7. Revision is important

Don't overlook revision when completing the last book. The last few weeks before the exam are important. Revision is best in short doses but performed often. Test yourself and remember you have a compressed 1 hr to express yourself in the exam so time practice runs.

 8. Read and Answer the questions.

Whether TMAs or Exam questions read them carefully. More importantly answer them implicitly. It's a bit like a driving test. You can look in the rear view mirror as much as you want but if the instructor doesn't see it you will fail. Make sure it is clear you are answering the question. If is says write a report to your tutor, then address it to your tutor. Try to answer the question simply first and then expand on your answer.

 9. Check your materials at day 1.

Make sure you have everything you need. Its no good finding you have 3 book 1s a week before the exam or the study CD is faulty.

 10. Keep to word counts

Ensure you are conscious of word count when writing TMAs. It is not only important for points scoring, but gets you used to compressing subject matter and is good practice for answering exam questions.